For once in my life I have some answers. Its like i am finding another part of my family. Like i am putting together the pieces of my life that i have been missing. It is such an amazing and completing feeling. When talking about everything I have been going through with a counselor who deals a lot with adoption and she suggested that I write a book about my story. There is such little literature about adoption and about people's personal stories that I feel like talking about my story would help myself and other people. I am still trying to decide if i am going to or not, but i think it would be an amazing experience!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Writing about life
So over the last few weeks a lot has been going on in my life. The one main thing is finding and connecting with my birth father. It was such a huge thing to have happen in my life! When i was 2 days old, I came home from the hospital with my parents and was officially adopted when i was 2 and a half. Since then I have only known my birth father's name. The experience of getting to know him has been absolutely amazing!! i can't believe how good it has been. I can't explain it, but the connection i have with him is different than a connection that i have with any other person. I don't think I ever really let myself thing that talking with him would have gone this well. I didn't want to get my hopes up so i just let myself go about everything just thinking that it might be okay, but it has been a million times better than that!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Busy busy busy....
I never thought this week was going to be as busy as it ended up being. This week was filled with appointments, cleaning, school, work, fire department stuff, and spending time with the parents. Both dan & i feel like we have barely been home or had any time together in so long! i am looking forward to tomorrow and being able to hang out with dan for a little while!

Dan worked Monday, so I got to hang out with Brittany for a while & watch the hill's together of course! hehe Its fun to hang out with more people from the department. Tuesday I had a bunch of stuff for school & then dan and i went to Ikea to get a new dresser & then we raced home to make it over to my parents for my dad's birthday. Wednesday we organized a bunch of the house & worked out before I had to go to work and Dan had to go to a union meeting. Thursday dan was back to work and I had to work thursday night too.
By the time it got to friday I was just ready for a break. I had an appointment in the morning & after that dan & i decided to go to the beach for lunch and a walk for a couple hours. On our way home we ended up at my parents for a couple hours and then going to dinner with his parents. We got home around 10pm and pretty much went straight to bed.
Saturday dan got up at around 6 to go to the station for the Burn to Learn. I went to breakfast & hung out with Amy for a little while and we went down to the Burn together. I hung out with a bunch of different people down there and always love to see my cute fiance at work stuff. He was the engineer on engine 25 so i got to stand and talk to him for most of the day which is always nice. I love learning more about what he does, plus its always a good thing when he's outside the fire :-)! Its nice cause there are getting to be a lot more young couples in the department so there are a lot more people to talk to.
After the burn we went to my parents to help my dad with my mom's mothers day present, met up with amy & liz to help them get a present, headed home to get ready real quick, and went back to my parents for dinner. Today I am spending the day trying to rest after a really long and hectic week. I can't wait to spend tomorrow with dan! i miss him tons and just want to relax with him! Hope everyone has a great week!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
It's been a while
Sorry its been so long since I have written anything, but its been a stressful week. I got a letter back from my birth father and his wife this past week. It is something I have been waiting for all of my life, so reading the notes were rather overwhelming. The notes back and fourth have been amazing though. They are the best that I could have ever hoped for. I am learning so much about myself and about my history. I look forward to every new note I get. It has been a few days since I have heard back from them so I am getting kind of anxious to get another letter. Other than that, this week has been filled with errands, finishing up our save the dates for our wedding, getting stuff ready for the pancake breakfast, and working on homework.
Friday I was able to take a break from everything & have a fun day. I went and had lunch with dan at the station for a while since he was on shift. Then in the afternoon I hung out with Mika. She and I went to the Tulip Festival & then the mall. We had a lot of fun just talking & hanging out. When we got home we, like always, watched some episodes of Friends.
Saturday was dan & i's 2 & 1/2 year anniversary, even though we both forgot hehe, but I decided to take him and my parents back to the Tulip Festival because they had never been there before. Everyone had a lot of fun & we had perfect weather for it! Then we went to lunch & did a little shopping. Saturday night we went over to Bert & Amy's and hung out with them & liz & josh. It was a very fun and relaxing saturday!
My Parents & i in the tulip field!
Dan & i at the Tulip Festival :-)
Sunday was exhausting but fun. Dan & i woke up at 3:30 to get ready and get down to the fire station to get ready for the pancake breakfast since dan was in charge of organizing it all. We got there around 4, and people were already setting up. It was a fun day. We ended up handing out plates & taking tickets all day. It was a fun spot to be cause we got to talk to lots of people and i got to hang out with Katy Hartmann & Elyse for a while. It was a great breakfast, just wished the turnout would have been better, but there's always next year! After we helped clean everything up, we came home & relaxed a little and then went and got something to eat. We were so tired, all night we were just trying to keep ourselves awake.
Overall it was a great week & a great weekend and i'm looking forward to hanging out with one of the other fireman's wives tonight while the boys are at the station & to spending some time with dan & my family this week. :-)
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